Articles on: Posting your Casting Call

Searching for Talent

How does using the search all talent benefit you?

You can view all available talent from our database.  Not just those who already submitted for a specific role.

Gives you the opportunity to ask for a submission when you find someone that matches your vision for the project/role.

**Click here for video**

A few notes about searching all talent for a role read the following:

The role has to be approved before you can use the search all talent option.

You can select/deselect any/all options that match what you're looking for.

You can remove the photo of what the character should look like, but once you do you will not be able to add a different photo or use the original.

All performers matching your search criteria will be shown at the bottom of the page.  You can view an expanded photo, the video and/or audio reels of those subscribers who have them, and request a submission from them, but will not be able to look at their full profile until they have submitted to the position.

Requesting a submission from an actor/performer will allow that actor/performer to submit even if their profile does not match the role that is approved and posted.

Updated on: 17/01/2022

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